Monday, May 7, 2012

Getting Ready for Spring, Oops, Too Late

You’re probably thinking “Hey, how can you be getting ready for spring when it started on March 20, 2012 at 1:14 A.M. (EDT).” Simple, it snowed on April 23 so I’ve allowed an extra (almost) two weeks past this point to announce “My Official Day of Spring”. Besides, it was so lovely out, it HAD to be spring.

The day started out like (almost) every Sunday with pancake breakfast.

Unfortunately, it ended like every other Sunday with Ed eating cereal and me having eggs. Those kids love their pancakes.

When you live on a 15 acre property, there’s always lots of yardwork to do. Thankfully, the weather was on our side (it was lovely out) so we spent our afternoons; tackling the neverending battle with the dandelions (they always win), preparing and seeding the previous home of the larger than life lilac tree bush, tilling and edging our garden (with cedar posts). The kids went for walks around the cedar bush, picked 976,092 dandelions, got really dirty and then clean again (I’m not sure that it was a total mistake that Artemis got sprayed in the face with the hose by Max…) and generally had a great time. They love to play outside.

Besos, The Zoo

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