Monthly Archives: August 2012

Optimize Your Child’s Development with My Baby Compass.

My girlfriend is pregnant with her first child. Like any Mother (first time or not), she is concerned about doing everything she can with respect to her Child’s Development. In turn, I was really excited to receive “My Baby Compass… «more»

The Crafty Zoo is Guest Posting at Journeys of The Zoo.

My Friend Kaycee who blogs over at Crafty Zoo with Monkeys is guest posting at Journeys of The Zoo and sharing something that you never see over here and that is… Craftiness! —————————————-o—————————————- Hey Everyone! I am so excited to… «more»

One of My Dislikes. Guest Post by Insane Mamacita.

Welcome to another addition of my Random Fact Friday!  Please join me and create your own Random Fact Friday post each week! Today’s random fact: I am not a fan of cheese. Everyone seems to have a deep love for… «more»

A Broken Down Car Can’t Hold Back The Zoo

One of our van’s is called Bucephalus, the other is Bessie. Yes, we name our vans. But not our cars. Weird. For those of you that don’t know, Bucephalus was Alexander the Great’s horse. He was super sleek and famous.… «more»

When we Travel, I Pack a Lot of Stuff

The Zoo has been “The Zoo” since January 2001 and during that time, we’ve travelled a LOT. This year alone, we spent three months in Mexico. In April, we spent four days in New York City. In July, two days… «more»

Can You Believe What They’re Teaching Kids These Days…

Seeing as I’ve been using this blog to spew random nothingness document the kid’s greatest achievements, I feel that this important milestone should not go unacknowledged. Wait a minute, this is exactly the kind of thing that should be swept… «more»

Marching Ants Stock Jusben

The Ants Go Marching One by One Million…

Photo Source: Jusben So I’ll start by saying that I am not the world’s most fastidious housekeeper. You will at any given time find dirty laundry, used glasses and tufts of dog hair, not to mention numerous toys and shoes… «more»