Friday, October 12, 2012

October is Brain Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that October is Brain Tumour Awareness Month in Canada?

Journeys of The Zoo didn’t.

That is until a friend of mine told me about it. Unfortunately, she knows because three years ago, she was diagnosed with one.

Shannon has bravely chosen to share about her experiences and help to highlight this condition.

Here are her words.

We all know what the pink ribbon is for. I want to tell you about another ribbon. One that is near and dear to my…. brain. It is the grey ribbon.

October is Brain Tumour Awareness Month in Canada and you can find all sorts of information at the Brain Tumour Foundation Of Canada’s website.

Did you know that…

  • 27 Canadians are diagnosed with a brain tumour every day? On September 13, 2009, I was one of them. You can read more about that day on my website.
  • There is no known cause of brain tumours and that there are over 120 different types!?
  • Brain tumours in children are different from those in adults and are often treated differently. Although as many as 60% of children with brain tumours will survive, they are often left with long-term side effects.
  • You can find out more facts about brain tumours HERE.

Here is a list of signs and symptoms from the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada website:

You can read more stories of strength HERE. Cancer affects all of us. Do your part by, spreading the word.

October is Brain Cancer Awareness Month.

Thank you to all my blogger friends that shared the message with me!


Shannon is a mother to two terrific girls and has been married for 10 years. She works for the best Canadian airline and loves to travel. Her family loves to do everything from dirt bike racing, swimming, running club, museums, travel, shows, hockey and anything they can do together! She blogs at Shannons View from Here.

7 thoughts on “October is Brain Cancer Awareness Month

  1. Rene

    Thanks to Shannon for sharing her story and helping to create awareness. I had never heard of the grey ribbon before. Thanks to the Zoo for helping to spread the word!

  2. Jo-Anne Meadows

    I am going to go and check our Shannon’s blog when I leave here, my favourite uncle died of brain cancer 16yrs ago. I have never heard of Brain Tumour Awareness I don’t know if they have it here in Australia but I am going to Goggle it and find out.

  3. Marthalynn

    Well. you’ve really done your part to bring awareness to this issue. I had no idea this disease was so prevalent! And I didn’t know that you were a survivor either. Thanks for using your voice for such an important topic!


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