Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday Night at the Movies: Mermaids, A Comedy?

Sunday Night at the Movies LogoIt’s been a long time since Ed and I were in a movie theatre together.

Think 2008.

Even so, that doesn’t mean that we haven’t seen any movies together.

Back in October 2011, we had a month long, James Bond Movie Marathon.

Since that time, we’ve been (trying to) watch a movie every weekend.

Seeing as VHS tapes are only 4 for $1, we get the opportunity to see some real classics at a fraction of the price.

Yes, I said VHS tapes. Don’t even pretend that you’re surprised.

This weeks Sunday Night at the Movies: Mermaids.

Sunday Night Movie MermaidsFor the first time in a long time, I didn’t read the back of the dust cover.

Not because I wanted to be surprized (in fact, quite the opposite) but because Ed left it near the tv and neither of us wanted to get up to retrieve it.

If I hadn’t been so lazy, I would have read this vague and uninspiring summary.

Academy Award winner Cher is the free-spirited and decidedly unconventional Mrs. Flax, the original liberated woman. She’s sexy, sassy, brassy, and more than just a bit exasperating, especially to her daughters. Charlotte (Winona Ryder) is a hormonal 15-year-old desperate to be a nun, even though the family’s Jewish, and nine-year-old Kate (Christina Ricci) is an aspiring swimming champ who practiced in the bathtub. The guy with a heart of gold, Lou Landsky (Bob Hoskins) tries to turn this wacky trio into a family as they careen through romantic escapades and unusual encounters.

Trivia. I didn’t know that Cher had ever won an Academy Award. Do you know which movie she won for?

Shining Star. Let’s just say that this movie wasn’t her best performance. However, I thought that Christina Ricci (pre-Addams Family) was the shining star. She was really funny and at only 10 years old (actual), it’s no reason why she went on to bigger things.

Plot. The beginning of the movie was totally out in left field and made no sense. Nor did the title. And, the drama closer to the end didn’t add to the films depth. In fact, it took away from the comedic qualities.

Recommend? Some parts were good, some parts were not so good and some left you scratching your head. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend that you bother with this classic from 1990.

Rating. Ed=6, Sarah=7.

What Movie(s) Have you Seen Recently?

Please leave a comment and link to any reviews you’ve done. I’d love to read them.

Journeys of The Zoo&nbsp&nbspBesos, The Zoo

22 thoughts on “Sunday Night at the Movies: Mermaids, A Comedy?

  1. Tammy

    I have not been to a theatre in a long time.. I do watch a movie a night on Netflix….WE just watched Madagascar 3. I still have a VCR are tons of movies for it. (mostly disney) it is located in my daughters room so she can enjoy the movies.

  2. Rene Beaubien

    Where were you in 1990 that you didn’t see this when it came out? Where I lived it was huge! I am a big fan of Christina Ricci.
    But comedies are normally not really all that funny, so…better luck next time.

  3. fredamans

    Cher got an academy award for being in Moonstruck. LOVED that movie. Wasn’t so crazy about Mermaids either.
    I liked Movie 43. Adult humor, totally.

  4. Tina

    The last movie I watched was before a got my baby girl (3monthns old), like 5 months ago and it was Chernobyl diaries. I watched in the cinema. It was a good movie, not a great one.

  5. Saving4Five

    My husband and I were just able to watch a movie a the theater for the first time in almost 2 years. It was so nice feeling like teenagers again. I love date night. Can’t wait until the kids aer a bit bigger so we can have date night more often.

  6. Holly @ Woman Tribune

    The first time I saw this movie, I was way too young to see it and didn’t understand much. I did understand Christina Ricci, however, and as I got older and watched it many (many, many) more times, she continued to really shine to me. She has always been an excellent actress, and even underrated I think.

  7. Sylvia Zajis

    I love that you broke out an 80s VHS movie!! That rocks. I haven’t seen Mermaids in so many years but Winona Ryder was definitely one to be watched when I was a teen. How fun.

  8. Debbie S.

    I never seen the movie Mermaids, and probably won’t.
    I have seen Disney Bears at the theatre just lately, also Rio2 and Heaven Is For Real. I loved them all!I also have a pile of VHS movies but no machine to run them in. I’ve bought 2 VHS machines at garage sales but they didn’t work.

  9. Amy Lovell

    The most recent Movie I saw was just the other night!2 Barbie and the secret door! Yup! Highlight of my night is watching my daughter’s new movie!! haha!


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