Thursday, August 1, 2013

Quest to Rediscover the Little Girl Inside (Canadian Feature)

I Am Canadian Feature for August In My 30's and It's Time

Journeys of The Zoo’s I Am Canadian Feature for August is…

 Angie from In my 30’s and It’s Time.

I jumped into marriage at 19 years old like a crazy kid who thought she knew everything. Nine years and two kids later the life I had tried SO desperately to maintain fell apart right before my eyes. Suddenly I was in the midst of a nasty divorce. There were days when I could barely leave my bed because the stress, the tears, the anxiety was all just too much.

I was 28 and an absolute disastrous shell of a woman who had zero idea who she was.

I’ll be 32 in November. To say life has changed since then is an understatement. I fell in love with my best friend. Truly, Madly, Deeply. Wow, did I really just quote Savage Garden? Yes, I did because that’s exactly how it feels. Eleven months after my separation I remarried. Most people thought it was a bit extreme but I had known my mister for ten years, we weren’t strangers at all. He had seen me collapsed with anxiety with my hair in every direction, makeup streaming down my cheeks. He had seen me laughing and acting like a fool because I wasn’t trying to impress him. But the truth is beyond all that, he saw ME. Never in my life had anyone believed in me so fiercely. He was everything I needed to begin to believe in myself.

Out of this new cheering squad was born In My 30s And Its Time. A blog to help me re-focus in my 30s and begin the quest to discovering well.. me! A hope to find the little girl inside who was afraid of nothing, who laughed from her belly, who trusted people and who loved with her whole heart.

Life has not been perfect since then. I struggle with digestive issues, battles with my ex, loss of multiple friends… but you know what?

I will never go back.

That lost woman of her 20s so badly needed direction, so badly needed to discover herself and all that she stood for: loyalty, love, joy, trust and sincerity. I know I am on the perfect path to get there.

This week I attended a training session with Tony Robbins as a speaker and I am so hyped up. He forced us to literally behave like children and come out of our shells. He also reminded me that while we don’t always meet our goals, we ALWAYS meet our own standards.

It’s time to raise my standards. Big time. I feel like I got a chance that others don’t always get. To have deep love like I hadn’t ever dreamed possible. Not only from a man so wonderful I can’t even put it into words, but also from myself. This is my time.

My 30s will change the course of the rest of my life. I have no doubt about it.

Thank you for Guest Posting Angie.

iamcanadian-august2013-angie.jpgAngie is a working Mom of two in the GTA, Ontario. When she’s not singing at the top of her lungs and air drumming in her car much to the dismay of others, she loves to read, write short stories, swoon over her husband, dance with her boys and blog about life at I’m My 30’s and It’s Time.

Connect with Angie Facebook | Twitter


And Now for The “I Am Canadian” Linky…

If you are Canadian or have a Canadian Product, Cause, Blog, or other Canadian related item, then you are officially invited to add yourself to this Linky.

Note that this Linky is not intended as a Giveaway Linky. Please go here to post or enter giveaways.

Month: Company
July 2013 The Koala Bear Writer
June 2013 The Great Canadian Blog Bash
May 2013 Mama Bear Haven
April 2013 YYZ Bambina
March 2013 Ottawa Valley Fiber Arts
February 2013 Gone With The Family
January 2013 Treasures from the Ark
December 2012 Sadieloohoo
November 2012 Life After My Kids
October 2012 MommiesFirst
September 2012 Current Works of Glass

17 thoughts on “Quest to Rediscover the Little Girl Inside (Canadian Feature)

  1. Shari G

    What an amazing story. I met my hubby at 18, but we didn't get married until we were 27. If we had gotten married at 18 I think it would've been a disaster. We ended up breaking up for 9 months, and just becoming best friends. It really made all the difference in the world. Good luck in your new adventures.

    And thanks Sarah for linking with comment love again 🙂

  2. Elizabeth Matthiesen

    What a story! I’d say that you are now back on track have found yourself again. After having 7 children & 27 yrs of marriage my hubby decided it was time for a change – just for him of course. I couldn’t have sunk lower had I wanted to. Unfortunately I am a lot older so that made things more difficult. The first year of our divorce he actually wanted to come into MY house to celebrate Christmas with the younger kids – the audacity of it! I am however lucky I have my children and the youngest and I were sponsored by my oldest to emigrate to Canada. There are of course constant financial battles, the only ones to gain being the lawyers of course.


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