Sunday, September 29, 2013

New Website Design. Same Old Journeys of The Zoo

changing color leaves


It’s inevitable.

Even the leaves do it.

Here at The Zoo, we don’t mind change.

I mean, The Kids changed out of their pajamas once this week, Aries recently changed to the leading cat food for mature cats and our website was under construction.

While I originally said that I would post on Monday letting you know that your “regularly scheduled programming” was back to normal, I changed my mind. I warned you.

You see, our transition went so perfectly Or so I believe, but what do I know? I was at Mountain Orchards for a three-year olds birthday party.

That, we’re LIVE.

Now. Right this minute!

What that means is that you can now come back, every day for the rest of your lives and leave comments!

And yes, I will get them.

What do you Think of Our New Website Design?

Note: The amazingly talented, Christella from Crawl the Line designed our Banner and my lovely and patient friend Rae (who is fortunately still a friend) designed the site, did the transfer and all that other magic.

P.S. There is no new blog. It’s all a figment of your imagination. In reality, it’s all just a façade for a social experiment I’m running to see if people were able to take a simple set of instructions such as: Do not visit this blog and if you do, do NOT under any circumstances leave a comment and actually carry them out. Let’s just say that yesterday proved to be our busiest Sunday ever. Since May 2010. As for comments, we had them in boxcars. Note to self, run more social experiments.

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