6 thoughts on “I’m Red, A Fruit, Abundant and In Season. What Am I?

  1. Rene Beaubien

    I have had no luck with tomatoes this year. I think there are a few green ones there. I really need to avert my eyes from the neighbour’s lush and overly productive garden…or sneak over while they are at work!

  2. Shayna Murray

    It was a tough year for tomatoes around here. I had a lovely (and massive) plant and it produced pretty well but the tomatoes rotted before I could even pick them. Not because they were over ripe but because of the weather conditions. Boo.

  3. Laurie P

    I had soooo many of these little beauties…at one point I was complaining about having too much and not being able to eat them fast enough. Now that they are gone, I’d love to have them back…sigh.


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