Thursday, March 20, 2014

LEGO Movie Crafts for Kids

Max and Artemis asked for LEGO for their birthday. Max wanted blue and Artemis wanted pink lego. I figured they might as well have asked for a unicorn. But being the dedicated parent I am, I went to the only place in town that might have something resembling a toy for kids.

Since I’d only been to this store once to purchase items for the House of Lazarus Foodbank, I didn’t know what kind of selection they would have or even if they’d have LEGO. Was I surprised.

They had an entire aisle dedicated to Lego.

Needless to say, Max got his blue and Artemis got her unicorn pink lego.


So, when Cathy from Cathy Thinking out Loud found out how much The Kids love LEGO and I love reusing materials, she came up with the follow two LEGO Movie Crafts for Kids. I hope you’ll find them as entertaining as we did.

Toilet Paper LEGO Characters

You only need a few things to make them and I’m sure you have them around the house.

  1. Print and cut out the template,
  2. Colour the template,
  3. Tape the template around a roll of toilet paper. Voila!

LEGO Movie Crafts for Kids What You Need

The Kids made the characters over a week ago and they’re still playing with them, creating storylines and even making more plays.

LEGO Movie Crafts for Kids Playing

LEGO Mini Figures with Lacing

This is another easy one. Just like our Quick and Easy Valentines Day Crafts (which can be customized for any occasion).

You will need;

  1. Print and cut out the template,
  2. Trace onto thick cardboard. We used scrap from a milk carton box,
  3. Colour the Mini Figure and Punch holes,
  4. Lace with shoelaces, rubberbands or whatever else you have on hand.

LEGO Lacing Craft for Kids

I couldn’t find any shoe laces that weren’t connected to shoes so I had The Kids use elastic bands. Interestingly enough we have a bag of those!?

It really helped them with their fine motor skills and they had fun stretching them and snapping them back on their fingers. Okay, not so much. Note to self, buy shoelaces.

I hope that the LEGO Movie is still in theatres when we get back from Mexico. Otherwise Ed will be sad.

Have your Kids Seen the New LEGO Movie?

This craft was posted to Artsy Play Wednesday hosted by Multiples-Mom, Multi-Testing Mommy, Shannon’s View From Here, Country Fit Family.

33 thoughts on “LEGO Movie Crafts for Kids

    1. admin

      Dear Debbie,

      LEGO is all they talk about. We’ll definitely be getting our money’s worth with this purchase.

      Besos, Sarah

    1. admin

      Dear Angie,

      Exactly. A couple of rolls of toilet paper, crayons and a printable make for hours of fun.

      Besos, Sarah

    1. admin

      Dear Susan,

      Everything old is new again. Although, I’m not sure that LEGO ever went anywhere.

      Besos, Sarah

  1. Darlene W

    The Lego movie is fabulous. My grandson and son in law went to see it when it first came out. Sebastian still chatters about it.

  2. Kirsten

    My kids love the Lego movie! Even the big kid, aka dh, loved it. They can’t wait until it ‘s out on DVD.

  3. Pingback: Weekly Top Crafts for Kids- March 29th Edition

  4. Elva Roberts

    I especially like the toilet roll Lego Characters. This should help children use their imagination at play with the Lego. Thank you for both ideas.


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