Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt Crafts for Kids

Easter Egg Hunt Crafts for Kids

Every Easter Sunday, at the crack of dawn, or even before that, Uncle Andrew and I would wake up our parents and get them to check if the Easter Bunny had visited us. During this time, we would sit patiently at the top of the stairs, jockeying for position and straining our necks in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the Easter Bunnies tail. Never did catch sight of him but I remember when he dropped all his eggs on the floor. Good thing that Poppa was there to help him out.

Turns out that the family traditions don’t fall far from the tree because The Kids love a good Easter Egg Hunt. So much so that we celebrate the arrival of the Easter Bunny often. Kind of like birthdays.

In turn, our friend Cathy from Cathy Thinking out Loud once again came up with some crafts using recycled products. First up,

Handmade Easter Eggs

To make the Easter Eggs, you will need; cardboard (we used cereal boxes), toilet paper rolls, crayons and scissors.

  1. Print the template and cut out the shapes,
  2. Trace the circles onto rectangular pieces of cardboard,
  3. Let the kids colour the eggs,
  4. Cut the toilet paper rolls into thirds and insert the eggs so they stand,
  5. Hide the eggs with a candy inside!

Easter Egg Hunt Craft What You Need

The best part is that The Kids are older so they can make, stuff, hide and then find the eggs all by themselves. Seeing the surprize on their faces when they find one (that they hid) is priceless.

Easter Egg Hunt Craft

Rabbit Ears Craft

To make the Rabbit Ears, you will need; cardboard, white and pink paper, scissors, glue and tape.

  1. Cut out all the pieces in the picture (I did it freehand),
  2. Tape and glue the ears and band,
  3. Size the band to the kids head with notches.

Rabbit Ear Craft What You Need

This craft requires a lot of cutting so I generally did it myself and let The Kids help with gluing. They absolutely loved them and were still wearing them the next day and the next day and… They were so easy to make and so popular that I ended up making one for each of them. Needless to say, there’s been a lot of hopping going on.

Rabbit Ears Craft

Have Any Other Easter Egg Hunt Crafts for Kids?

22 thoughts on “Easter Egg Hunt Crafts for Kids

  1. Carla

    Love these ideas! The ears are fantastic – going to be doing this with my boys tonight (and like you said I can see them wearing them for days after!)

  2. Darlene W

    The grandchildren just love the Easter Egg hunt, we live at the bottom of a street that ends in a park like setting. Many places to hide the eggs and they are not too hard to find. We will be making some hand made eggs before we get started.

  3. Stephanie LaPlante

    Very cute crafts. We did the egg hunt too. My mom made giant Easter bunny footprints made of mud, threw Easter eggs everywhere and placed cotton balls near the door. We’d wake up to my mom yelling “OH NO! THE EASTER BUNNY MADE A BIG MESS AGAIN! I TRIED RIPPING OFF HIS COTTONTAIL!” …and every year the Easter Bunny had to grow his tail back.
    Stephanie LaPlante recently posted…FunDayMental FridayMy Profile

  4. Elva Roberts

    I haven’t made crafts for a while but I think I will go with the eggs with a treat inside and maybe bunny ears in the future.

  5. Brenda A

    What sweet ideas! Sweet…Easter…get it? I love the crafts and though my girls may not wear bunny ears any more, would!

  6. kathy downey

    The grandchildren just love the Easter Egg hunt,this year we had to do the hunt inside because of a snow storm


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