Monthly Archives: April 2015

Journeys of the Zoo Giveaway Linky Logo Thumbnail

Weekly Zoo Update (April 28)

Family Update On Monday, we went to our local library for an afternoon spring-themed activity called “Jack and the Beanstalk”. The Kids did crafts and planted a “bean” (which turned out to be a pea) and I had a “have… «more»

Talk to Strangers

Do You Let Your Kids Talk to Strangers?

After a considerable hiatus, my eyes were recently reopened to the wonderful world of libraries. Not only does my local library offer free passes to Museums in Ottawa but also that they hold weekly events for kids that revolve around… «more»

Journeys of the Zoo Giveaway Linky Logo Thumbnail

Weekly Zoo Update (April 21)

Family Update We have been crazy busy since we got home. Too busy in fact. Last Sunday, Uncle Eric took us to the Sugar Shack (an annual event) and we ate our fill of pancakes. In the evening we went… «more»

Stock-Candle Kids Fifth Birthday

Start this Fun Birthday Tradition with Your Kids!

Every year, I provide an annual update on The Kids that I post (around) their birthday. I share about how they’ve developed and what they’ve learned throughout the year based on the Nipissing District Developmental Screen Checklist for 60 months… «more»

Wordless Wednesday Spider-600

Out, Damn’d Spider! Out, I Say!

You know when you look at something and it doesn’t look quite right but you can’t put your finger on the problem. Well, that’s been happening to me a lot lately and I finally figured it out… On a sidenote,… «more»