Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Weekly Zoo Update (April 21)

Family Update

We have been crazy busy since we got home. Too busy in fact. Last Sunday, Uncle Eric took us to the Sugar Shack (an annual event) and we ate our fill of pancakes. In the evening we went to the Harlem Globetrotters Show which had more to do with Entertainment than Basketball. On the way home, Buchaphaleus (our van) broke down and was in the shop for nine days. On Tuesday, we went to the Museum of History (formerly Civilization) in Gatineau, Quebec. If you live in the region and haven’t gone, you really need to. We spent five hours there and there was almost a mutiny to get The Kids to go home. We’ll go back. On Wednesday, I spent my time trying to humanely rid our oven clock of the resident spider and posted a new birthday tradition. And last but not least, today we went to the library for what I thought was an opportunity to plant beans seeds but ending up being a lesson in parenting.

Blog Giveaways

I have a bunch of reviews and giveaways to post. If you read the paragraph above, you’ll know why we’ve been busy. Trust me, they’ll be worth the wait. Be sure to Subscribe via Email to Journeys of The Zoo to receive information on all our giveaways.

Be sure to enter the giveaway that we have on right now for $50 in Baby Gourmet Food Products. Note that it’s not only for babies as The Kids loved their snack products!

Besos, The Zoo

5 thoughts on “Weekly Zoo Update (April 21)

  1. Pingback: Tuesday Blog Giveaway Linky List – April 21, 2015 | Blog Giveaway Directory

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