Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I Survived, They Prospered: First Day of School Ever (in Canada)

150901 - First Day of School
You can’t see it in the picture but The Kids were commenting on how the mist was still hanging over the fields (at 7:30am). This picture will definitely be the focal point of this years “Year in Review” Poster.

150901 - First Day of School 2
Riding in their own personal limo (a.k.a. minivan). Poor Mr. Kirk didn’t know what hit him.

Note that Artemis left this morning with two ponytails. Right after stopping this video, Artemis asked Mr. Kirk if he wanted the rest of her watermelon because she likes to share.

The good news is that they want to go back tomorrow.

The bad news is that means that I have to get up at 6:30am again.

Either way, we will return to our regularly scheduled programming shortly.

Have Any First Day of School Stories?

P.S. Anyone know why this video appears sideways on my phone (which I used to take the video) and when I upload it to YouTube it’s right side up!?

25 thoughts on “I Survived, They Prospered: First Day of School Ever (in Canada)

      1. Carla

        I am so happy that Artemis made a new friend (always so hard and nerve wracking meeting new kids!). LEGO is always fun isn’t it? How is it going now?

  1. Rene

    What are they transporting in those giant bags?? 🙂
    We have our second first-day-of-school next week, exciting times!
    They look so grown up – when did that happen?

  2. Elizabeth Matthiesen

    I’m glad to hear that the kids like it enough to want to go back, those early mornings are a drag though I agree whole heartedly. One of my grandsons had his first school day too, he was quite contrary (despite or because of? his mother being there). On returning home he presented a letter from his teacher adding ‘it might not be good’. The positive side is he must have realised that he was being difficult. 🙂 He’s going to be the class clown.


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