Speaking of challenge, if you’re up for a fun challenge that doesn’t require you to leave your house and enters you in a giveaway to WIN a $200 Gift Card then read on.
The Stayfree Challenge Contest
In case you forgot, a while back, I participated in the Stayfree Challenge. At the time, I recalled watching the commercials where they poured blue dyed water onto pads and seeing how different the results were. I remember thinking how cool they were. Cool or not, I’m a visual person and so when I got the chance to try it out for myself, I was up for the challenge! I had lots of fun doing it and enjoyed getting the chance to try out the (new to me) vine app at the time. As I mentioned in my post, I wasn’t surprised that Stayfree was the winner by far, however, it got me thinking about the science (or what I call “magic”) behind the product.
And now it’s your turn to be amazed.
I’m looking for 25 men or women that are interested in taking the Stayfree Challenge for themselves! You do not need a blog or know anything about the test that you will perform as clear instructions will be provided to you. In fact, you don’t even need to leave your house because Stayfree will mail the kits directly to you at no cost.
If you’re interested then this is what you need to do:
- Complete the Giveaways Tools form below and be sure to email me your mailing address*,
- If you are chosen, within two weeks of receiving the kit**, take the quick and easy challenge like I did.
- Within two weeks of receiving the kit, you must post a “review” on one or more of your social media accounts; Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest. Your review must include the hashtag “#StayfreeChallengeContest” and a link to this blog post***.
- Provide me with the direct link to your social media share(s) of your review no later than Sunday, April 24, 2016.
And that’s it! This is a great way to have some fun with science and your family and the bonus is winning a $200 Gift Card. So…
I’m always looking for a more absorbent pad!
Dear Monica,
Thank you for your interest, I received your email. I’ll contact everyone via email once the selections have been made. Thanks for your support.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Don’t Get Locked Out of Your House in Mexico #Travel
I think it would be interesting and fun to do this challenge!
Dear Ivy,
Thank you for your interest, I received your email. I’ll contact everyone via email once the selections have been made. Thanks for your support.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…This is What Happens at a Paw Patrol Show in Mexico #travel
I would love to participate! I don’t usually buy this brand and would love to give it a try.
Dear Nicole,
Thank you for your interest, I received your email. I’ll contact everyone via email once the selections have been made. Thanks for your support.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Come and Discover The Magic of Walt Disney World #Travel #Disney
Honestly, I want to see if it’s legit! I’ve been seeing these commercials on tv for years, I know a few bloggers participated in something similar in the past…. I’m real curious! Plus, it’s a sweet bonus to have the chance to win a gift card!!
dear Darlene,
Thank you for your interest, I received your email. I’ll contact everyone via email once the selections have been made. Thanks for your support.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…New Parents: @ValcoBabyCanada Strollers Coming to Canada in 2016!
I’ve always wanted to try it for myself! And my daughter is at that age, and pads would be lot more comfortable right now.
Dear Ali,
It’s a really fun challenge.
I received your email. Thanks for your interest. I’ll be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Discover all that the Outaouais Region Has to Offer You and Your Family #travel
As I get older I find my cycle changing and therefore my needs are too. I’m in the market for new feminine products and this would be a fun way to do some testing. It would be like a science fair project for my 40 year old self 🙂
I should let you know I’ll be away until April 11th and may not have access to the internet. Someone will be at my home to accept deliveries and I will definitely be able to post my review before April 24, 2016.
Dear Amy,
Love the idea of a 40 year old science project 😉
I received your email and thanks for the heads up on your vacation. Enjoy and I’ll be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Are You Receiving All The RESP Grants That You Are Eligible For?
I would love to try this and see the difference.
Dear Cheryl,
It’s really interesting to see first hand.
I received your email and thanks for your interest. I’ll be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…This is What Happens at a Paw Patrol Show in Mexico #travel
WOW Fun thank you so much sounds like fun!!
Dear Kaley,
I have to admit that I was laughing the whole time!
I received your email, thanks for your interest. I hope that Karen sees this in time, she has until March 28 to apply. Isn’t Jason Magee the best!
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Win Tickets to @DisneyonIce: 100 Years of Magic! CAN 2/12 #DisneyonIce
LOL Sarah Yay and yes!! You and Jason are amazeballs!!! Muah xo
Kaley Davies recently posted…Giveaway Link up March 14-18
This looks interesting and fun!
Dear Jonnie,
It is interesting and fun, you got that right!
I received your email, thanks for your interest.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Don’t Get Locked Out of Your House in Mexico #Travel
I’d love to participate because I’ve watched this test on tv for years and would love to actually do it myself.
Dear Heather,
I remember seeing the test on tv myself so many times. It’s neat to get to see it first hand!
I received your email. I’ll be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Enjoy a Heart Shaped Pizza at @BostonPizza on Valentine’s Day and Support Charity! #HeartShapedPizza
I’ve always wanted to try Stayfree!
Dear Jenny,
Sounds like a great reason to participate!
I received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Don’t Get Locked Out of Your House in Mexico #Travel
I’d love to try out this brand, I normally use a different brand but would like to see how I enjoy these!
Dear Rebby,
This is a great opportunity to test out another brand!
I received your email. Thanks for your interest and I’ll be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Give the Gift of Education with @HeritageFunds eGifting RESP Program
Thank you Sarah!
I would love the opportunity to try this challenge and give my review and findings! Awesome!..Going to email now 🙂
Dear Karla,
That’s what this challenge is all about so you’re in the right spot.
Thanks for your interest, I’ll be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…This is What Happens at a Paw Patrol Show in Mexico #travel
this is not my usual brand and it would be interesting to see if it can hold up to my flow
I have been stuck in a rut with the brand I regularly use, but it’s hard to switch b/c you don’t know if another brand will hold up to your expectations, and let’s face it, these items are pricy! I would like to see how my ‘regular’ brand matches up to the competition.
Dear Sunshine,
Ruts are no fun! Hoping that this challenge is the answer for you. I’ll be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Come and Discover The Magic of Walt Disney World #Travel #Disney
I think it would be neat to try. I always wonder if those tests are accurate.
Dear Nicole,
If you do this challenge, you won’t have to wonder anymore!
Thanks for your interest. I’ll be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Give the Gift of Education with @HeritageFunds eGifting RESP Program
I’d love to take this challenge – this is my usual brand but it would be interesting to see the difference between it and others
Dear Karen,
Thanks for your interest. I received your email and will be in touch the week of March 28.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Come and Discover The Magic of Walt Disney World #Travel #Disney
I would participate
Dear Brenda,
I’ve received all your information. Thanks for your interest and I’ll be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Discover all that the Outaouais Region Has to Offer You and Your Family #travel
I’m at an age where I don’t use these products anymore, but I’d definitely do the challenge with blue water and post results.
Dear Donna,
You can be any age and still appreciate the results of this challenge.
I’ve received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…This is What Happens at a Paw Patrol Show in Mexico #travel
I would love to participate to try this brand , i live to try new brands , i have never tried this brand , i am up for the challenge 🙂 thanks for he chance 🙂
Dear Treen,
Sounds like a great reason to participate!
I’ve received your information and will be in touch the week of March 28.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Come and Discover The Magic of Walt Disney World #Travel #Disney
Would like to try out pads that I might like better than the current ones I’m using
Dear Maria,
This challenge should give you the answers you’re looking for.
Thanks for your interest, I’ll be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…New Parents: @ValcoBabyCanada Strollers Coming to Canada in 2016!
I would love to take part. This would be fun and interesting.
Dear Florence,
Yes, it will be fun and interesting!
Thanks for your interest, I received your email.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Give the Gift of Education with @HeritageFunds eGifting RESP Program
I would loove to participate to try this brand ,i am always on the lookout for the perfect pad for my needs
Dear Kathy,
Thanks for your interest. I received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Enjoy a Heart Shaped Pizza at @BostonPizza on Valentine’s Day and Support Charity! #HeartShapedPizza
I’d like to participate to see the difference and find what I really like and what fits me the most.
Fan R recently posted…The Bell that Rang in Easter Storybook App & Lindt Canada Gift Basket Giveaway #GoldBunnyStory
Dear Fan,
This is a great challenge for answering your questions.
I’ve received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…This is What Happens at a Paw Patrol Show in Mexico #travel
I always like trying new things including the strange and wonderful! 🙂
Dear Suzi,
Strange and wonderful are fabulous!
I’ve received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Give the Gift of Education with @HeritageFunds eGifting RESP Program
I would love to try this challenge as i’ve always seen it on tv, i would love to try it myself!
I’ve always wanted to try this test myself and see the result firsthand, sitting at home and watching it on tv you always think if the results are truthful..thank you for the chance
Dear Ginette,
It really is neat seeing it in person.
I received your email. Thanks for your interest.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…This is What Happens at a Paw Patrol Show in Mexico #travel
I would like to try this as I am always wanting to try new products.
I would love to try this challenge. I always using pads and love to try Stayfree. (no blog just on fb and twitter @sandypeachy1)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks you for your interest, I received your email. No worries about not having a blog.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Don’t Get Locked Out of Your House in Mexico #Travel
I would participate because I would love to to the test! Sounds like fun!
I’ve never used Stayfree and would love to compare it to my usual brand.
Dear Nancy,
This challenge would be a great chance to do that.
I’ve received your email and will be in touch the week of March 28.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Are You Receiving All The RESP Grants That You Are Eligible For?
I’ll give it a go!!
Jody recently posted…Everything Old is New Again – Fuller House on Netflix
Dear Jody,
Always up for a challenge huh!
I’ve received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Discover all that the Outaouais Region Has to Offer You and Your Family #travel
Hello! I would love to participate in the challenge! I love challenges and would love to check out the results!
Dear Maria,
Thanks for your interest. I’ve received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…This is What Happens at a Paw Patrol Show in Mexico #travel
I would like to see if this really works & I would be happy to give my opinion
Dear Suzie,
Your opinion is exactly what we’d be interesting in hearing. Thanks for your interest, I received your email.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Enjoy a Heart Shaped Pizza at @BostonPizza on Valentine’s Day and Support Charity! #HeartShapedPizza
I would love to do this product test for general interest and would be happy to give my opinion !
Dear Kelly,
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and interest. I’ve received your email and will be in touch the week of March 28.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Are You Receiving All The RESP Grants That You Are Eligible For?
I love doing product testing and reviews, would love to participate! Thank you!
Dear Tracy,
This is a fun review to do! I received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Discover all that the Outaouais Region Has to Offer You and Your Family #travel
I have never tried Stayfree and the challenge would be interesting to test against my current brand! You never know what the results might be!
Dear Maryanne,
No, you never know! I’ve received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Give the Gift of Education with @HeritageFunds eGifting RESP Program
I would love to participate to find better absorbency but I also have a very inquisitive toddler who needs to learn new things and I think this would be a very neat thing to show him. I want my son to grow up knowing the normal functions o life and being okay with them and this could very well help ease any of the taboo feelings around what happens in a girls body. Yes my toddler is a boy but that is the point .. Plus it is neat to do challenges .
Carey Hurst recently posted…Tales of A Wanna-Be SuperHero Mom: The Sins That Bind Us by Geneva Lee Release Blitz
Dear Carey,
Kids are like sponges and love to learn. I’m sure your son would be amazed. I’ve received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…This is What Happens at a Paw Patrol Show in Mexico #travel
I would love to try this brand because its not my usual brand. Thanks:)
Dear Caryn,
Trying something new is always fun! I’ve received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Discover all that the Outaouais Region Has to Offer You and Your Family #travel
I would like to try this to compare against my current brand.
Dear Jen,
Sounds like a great reason to participate. I’ve received your email, thanks for your interest.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…New Parents: @ValcoBabyCanada Strollers Coming to Canada in 2016!
I would love to join as it has been years since I have used Stayfree and I hear they are gratly improved
Dear Wendy,
It will be interesting to see what the results show. I’ve received your email and will be in touch.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Are You Receiving All The RESP Grants That You Are Eligible For?
I always liked staffer products and have been interested in the challenge to see how well the brands really preform up close and personal!
would love to try it out!
I would love to try this out! I haven’t tried Stayfree before, I usually lean towards other brands out of habit.
I would like to participate as it sounds like a great product and I would like to try and see the results for myself.
I want to participate because I would like to make things better for all women
I love to give my opinion and this sounds perfect. I have always used these sanitary napkins. Big advocate already lol
thanks for the chance ! i love challenges
Id like to participate in this challenge because I think its a valuable tool to help people pick good products and promote good products
looks like an interesting challenge and a great way to try out the product and provide feedback!
I am taking the challenge because I know this brand is excellent and the women in this home ,my daughter and granddaughters are firm supporters of this brand.It is interesting just to see how it compares to other brands.
I’ve been a loyal user of Always products for at least 3 decades. Recently, though, the price point and the results have left me looking elsewhere for a new product line. I would love to be abe to try a new line without cost. Being able to do a side-by-side comparison that is unrefutable would be wonderful.
Catherine K-B @CathyInCanada recently posted…Making a #Lashblast thanks to Covergirl
I’m interested to see how well these do for me. I use three different pad types during my period, the first day is light, the seond day and third are usually murder and the last days vary
Wow, this would be terrific. I’m a single mom of three girls (can you say bulk supplies of sanitary products) They’re now 15, 21 & 26 – this is a pretty Hot Topic for all of us.
As you can imagine, value is incredibly important. Given that, we’ve never been particularly brand loyal; what we want & need is performance. I know that taking this challenge, not watching it, but actually executing it with our own hands is very likely to sway our opinion and might just make us forever fans. I have always wanted to see the real/live results of pouring that blue liquid. Let’s go Stayfree, Challenge accepted – bring it on!
Oh,and this will be such a great post for my blog! – I’m So excited!!
Visit My Blog
This looks like fun to do! I used to see commercials that did this and it looked so neat. Lol, I’m a science geek.
always interested to see how products compare
wobbles13 recently posted…$2 DIY Lego Table!
I would like to see how good it stands up to the others.
I like testing products and before I recommend something to family and friends I always make sure that I have tested and tried it.
It’s a fun way to try new products and I would like to see how their products compare with the rest.
I’d like to join so I can see whether this product is a good one or not.
I would love to participate, it looks like a lot of fun! I’d be happy to blog/tweet and share my results!
I’d love to do this challenge because I love a good challenge and I like to see for myself how a product actually works. It would be interesting to see first hand how this product is better the the rest. I look forward to the challenge
I’d love to participate in the challenge because I’ve never tried this brand before and would love to see how it hold up!
Pingback: My Stay Free Challenge #StayFreeChallengeContest - Kaley Davies