Category Archives: Ottawa

Local Dandelion Festival is a Hit with The Kids

For the past three years, The Zoo has attended The Dandelion Festival. Held on the last weekend in May, it’s North Grenville’s premiere festival showcasing our rich artistic and musical talent.A favourite with our family is always the Farmers Market,… «more»

Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo and Animal Rescue

Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo, located in Ottawa, Ontario, is a privately run zoo and animal rescue. Little Ray’s runs the largest and most diverse animal education and outreach program in Canada. If you’ve never had the chance to experience Little… «more»

Tons of Events Going on in The Boonies

Yesterday afternoon, for the first time, we attended the Dandelion Festival. There was a lot to see; the opening of the new library, face painting, train taking kids around town, buskers, folk dancing, singing and playing, rock stage, art exhibits,… «more»