Thursday, July 18, 2013

Link Up to The Zoo’s Weekly Bloglovin Hop for July 18

Thursday BlogLovin Hop at Journeys of The ZooThis week, we posted about the marvels of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Maybe it could help me with that Mosquito.

And posted three amazing giveaways for Children’s Place, Norwex Cleaning Products and a Wellness Mat!

Not to mention that Canadian Coupon giveaway.

But that’s neither here nor there because today is Thursday and that means the …

BlogLovin Hop
at Journeys of The Zoo!
Link up and make some new friends below!

1. Don’t have a BlogLovin account?

Check out these step-by-step instructions by Fabulous Blogging and find out what the buzz is about.

2. This Week’s Co-host is…

Rhonda from Born Unique Baby Guide. This ultimate baby resource is maintained by Rhonda and her two daughters (also mothers) and is fueled by their desire to provide new parents with quality information and useful product recommendations.

They have learned from each others’ experiences with motherhood, parenting and life and are there to help. They encourage you to share, question, comment and become a part of their little village at The Born Unique Baby Guide.

If you haven’t already left a comment expressing your interest in co-hosting, please do so. There’s plenty of room for everyone.

3. Just one Rule.

In the “URL” field, please put a link to your direct BlogLovin profile. Mine is:

4. We Follow Back.

Rhonda and I follow back. In order for this to be successful, we hope that you will follow others too.

5. Please Spread The Word.


The original linky has been removed.
Visit the current BlogLovin Hop Linky to link up.

Journeys of The Zoo&nbsp&nbspBesos, The Zoo

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