Friday, October 18, 2013

The Time I Almost Blogged on My Day Off

Friendship Friday Humour
For the past few days, I have been reviewing the bejesus out of kids toys.

Not that there’s anything the matter with that. Anyone notice the Seinfeld reference?

But it’s hard work playing all day and blogging at night so I thought that I would take today off.

That was until I saw IT in my inbox.

IT was an email from Create With Joy.

If you’ve been following me for awhile, even a month, then you’ll know how this turns out.

I read her Friendship Friday email,
Then I head over to her blog to leave a comment,
I thank her for supporting my weekly BlogLovin Hop,
Tell her that I have nothing to contribute on “x subject” and
Call it a Day.

Well, not exactly.

There was that one time when she got me to share something good and then the following week to document a few of my favourite things.

But I wasn’t going to fall for that today. Oh no.

How does the saying go?

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

Well, I wasn’t going to make a fool of myself. Twice.

So, when I saw the email I thought no way is she going to make me write about anything today because…

Today is my Day Off.

What Do You Do on Your Day Off?

18 thoughts on “The Time I Almost Blogged on My Day Off

  1. Rene

    Day off? What’s that?
    And I think the phrase goes “fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again”
    At least that’s the Texan version, they may say it differently where you come from. 😉

  2. Create With Joy

    I think you just might get the award for the funniest post I have read this week!

    Oh that’s right.
    No award for you.
    You didn’t blog today.
    It was your day off.


    But, then again, I think the joke might be on ME.

    You see, every time I think I am going to take a much needed day off,
    I get a comment that entices me to come and visit someone’s blog.\

    Then I read a great post like this.

    Then I feel that I must comment.

    So, it works both ways! 🙂

    Have a great weekend. Enjoy your day off.

    (And best not visit Inspire Me Monday or not telling WHAT will happen!)

    Create With Joy recently posted…Inspire Me Monday – Week 93My Profile

  3. Darlene Schuller

    I’m a homebody, I like to be home.. so I stay home and relax and get caught up on stuff around here, easy enough to do if you work ‘outside’ of your home!

  4. Aliya D.

    I don’t have many days off… I often end up doing chores or taking care of errands, but I do try to throw in some reading.

  5. Jenn Erin

    I rarely have days off but when I do, they are DAYS. OFF. You know what I mean? I really DO NOTHING but stay in bed until probably the afternoon and watch movies, and I’ll go out for lunch AND dinner (yep, I told ya!) ! I don’t have kids yet so it’s a bit easier for me to be 100% free

  6. Peady

    I really like your blog. I just keep finding new posts to love.

    It’s hard to completely relax no matter what you do, but I bet there’s a certain special kind of guilt when you play with toys all day as your job. You know it’s work, but part of your brain is probably telling you you are “just” playing. Tell that part to hush! 😉

    Loved the Seinfeld reference! If I bring red wine and turkey maybe I can come play with your toys! 😀
    Peady recently posted…Is your March Break half full or half empty?My Profile

    1. admin

      Dear Peady,

      You are the cutest. Thank you so much for always supporting me and being able to relate to my posts. Oh, that might not be a compliment 😉

      You can come over any time to party. All you have to bring is yourself and your sense of humour.

      Besos, Sarah

      1. Peady

        Dear Sarah,

        It is absolutely a compliment! 🙂

        If I had a plane at my disposal I would come for dinner! Well, provided you promise not to use your oven! 😀

        My sense of humour is firmly in place at all times! 😉
        Peady recently posted…March Breakin’!My Profile

  7. Elva Roberts

    Sunday is as close to having a day off. I do as little as possible. Catch up on my emails.-Read a favourite author. I go to church either Saturday evening or Monday morning. I have a feeling of relaxation on that day. Family usually visit and, oh yes, I do not enter giveaways or contests.


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