Monthly Archives: February 2014

Journeys of the Zoo Giveaway Linky Logo Thumbnail

WIN at the Weekly Giveaway Linky, WW, 03/04

Today is going to be all about giveaways. We have a lot to talk about. 1. On Thursday, February 27, 2014 from 9pm to 10pm, Shayna of Mommy Outside the Box and I will be hosting a Leon’s Furniture #UltimateHome… «more»

Five Myths About Mexico Thumbnail

Five Myths About Mexico

Since beginning our Mexican adventure in 2003, I’ve learned a lot of things. Make that A LOT. Even though I’d visited Mexico many times before, I guess I hadn’t known the “Real Mexico”. There are many myths about Mexico. Some… «more»

Journeys of the Zoo Giveaway Linky Logo Thumbnail

WIN at the Weekly #Giveaway Linky, WW, 02/25

The whole family has been sick for almost three weeks and I’ve got to tell you that I’m sick of being sick and I’m sick of The Kids being sick. I won’t bore you with the details but if you… «more»

locked in house window bars mexico

Imagine Being Locked Inside Your House

Growing up, there were bars on our basement windows. They were the ones that could be quickly and easily released from the inside, but couldn’t be penetrated from the outside. Even so, I always felt trapped. Those bars were the… «more»