Sunday, March 9, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday and Nipissing Developmental Checklist (48 months)

The Kids 4th Birthday-131213

Every year, The Kids birthday falls right in the middle of the chaos associated with leaving for Mexico for four months. Closing up the house, packing the entire Zoo and making the necessary plans for life to continue on while we’re not there takes a lot of time. Eight weeks to be exact. In turn, I’m just getting around to their fourth birthday party post now.

I could write a blog post about my guilt.

This year, before we headed to Toronto for The Kids birthday and the first leg of our 5,000 roadtrip, they went to the doctor for their annual visit. Well actually, it’s not exactly annual. You see, they didn’t go last year. Firstly because the Doctor told me that they didn’t need any shots and secondly because they weren’t sick.

Last year, I documented their progress and thought it would be fun to compare it to this year.

Height. I can’t remember exactly how much they grew without looking at the marks on their bedroom wall but I want to say that they each grew 3”. It sounds like a lot. But they really did grow from last year.

130611-max growth chart

Weight. Based on their confirmed weight gain, they very well might have grown that much. Max went from 28lbs to 35lbs and Artemis was up 6lbs (from 26 to 32lbs).

Activities. Both of them love to do crafts. All day, every day. Cutting, gluing, drawing. Max has a real thing for maze games and loves their Vtech tablet. Artemis likes connect the dots and spot the difference. They both love LEGO.

Artemis and Lego-131211

Writing. One day, in October, Artemis sat down and clearly and correctly and in order wrote 19 of the 26 letters of the alphabet. Just like that. Up until that point, she had expressed no interest in writing at all.

Personality. Artemis follows the rules and lets other people know when they’re not. Max not so much. He’s our little Don Quixote, “tilting at windmills”. This summer, Ed asked him if he wanted the leg or arm of a gingerbread man. After some reflection Max answered, “the head”. Needless to say, he got the head.

Max and the Gingerbread Man 130810

Toilet Training. One major difference from last year is that they’re no longer in diapers! Artemis toilet trained herself on the way to Mexico and Max trained himself on the way home. Neither have had an accident at night since the day they decided that they were done.

Fears. Artemis has been afraid of the dark since as far back as I remember. I guess it’s hereditary…

Music. If Max hears a beat then his toe is tapping. The interesting thing is that it could be the tap, tap, tap of water drops and he instinctively moves. Artemis is still tone deaf and a one trick pony when it comes to the songs she knows. Let’s just say, “call her maybe…”.

Language. Over the past year, Ed and I have spoken Spanish in the house close to half of the time. Based on their actions, it’s obvious that they understand everything that we’re saying. After spending four months in Mexico, it will be interesting to see how well they speak the language.

Dressing and Bedtime. Both kids dress themselves from head to toe. They also get themselves ready for bed by washing their hands, putting on their pajamas and brushing their teeth.

Teeth. The Kids have all their baby teeth and do a great job at brushing them. They’re using kids toothpaste but I’m hoping to graduate to fluoride as soon as Max learns how to spit (Artemis knows how).

Max Eating His Birthday Cake 131211

Alexander. The Kids play with Alexander almost every day. When they receive a gift, they often remember (without prompting) to share with him. As time passes, I don’t feel the need to consciously mention his name. It happens, organically, almost every day. I know that The Kids, Ed and I will never forget him.

With respect to their progress against the Nipissing District Developmental Checklist for 48 months, they are developing normally.

Nipissing Developmental Checklist 48 months 4 years

Are Your Kids Exceeding Their Milestones?

Check out our other Nipissing Developmental Checklist posts.

23 thoughts on “Happy 4th Birthday and Nipissing Developmental Checklist (48 months)

  1. Brandee

    I always use the Nippising as well. Luckily my doctor uses it. So many dont these days. When my son was little I always checked it. It gives a little peace of mind 🙂

  2. Peady

    This is a really nice way to “remember” all those little things. As they grow up your kiddos will not have questions about their milestones because they will have the answers! This is great!

    Honestly, I feel like I just met them. What nice kiddos!

    Love the video. Too cute!
    Peady recently posted…Let there be cake!My Profile

  3. A.Smith

    I didn’t even know this checklist existed. It would be great to see the progress in certain areas from year to year or even month to month.

  4. Susan T.

    I’ll pass this on to my friends with kids. They are both first time moms and it is sometimes hard to know these things without help!

  5. Cheryl Grandy

    I hadn’t heard of this checklist; I don’t know if it existed when my kids were small. It would have been nice to have it .

  6. Debbie S.

    I used to use checklists like this to encourage development in areas that maybe we were missing, or falling behind on. I like the ideas it gives you too! Happy 4th Birthday Artemis and Alexander! That cake looks delicious!

  7. Ali P

    Don’t remember if my kids were hitting their milestones when they should’ve or not. My kids are way older than that already. lol

  8. kathy downey

    They are beautiful kids,wish we had list when my kids were young,but they have scrap books of everything that happened in their young lives.

  9. Elva Roberts

    I love this post about your children and their maturation during the past year or so. I am looking at my ggrandchildren. One of our gggirls who is 2 1/2 can sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star all the way through. Her cousin, who is three, can run any appliance in his home-watches his Grandmother-nanny. They are both very happy little people – That is the most important fact of all. He also loves to brush his teeth.

  10. Ali P

    It’s been a long time time since I’ve tracked my kids progress. They’re old already! lol.. Pretty sure they’ve hit the milestones when they were supposed to, but even if they didn’t, wasn’t really worried about it.

  11. Amy Lovell

    Thanks! I love the nipissing checklist! ITs a great way to be able to see if ur child really is where they are supposed to be

  12. Elizabeth Matthiesen

    I used to enjoy taking my children to the paediatrician for their regular check-ups (that was quite often in Germany) to hear how they were developing. I felt immensely proud if everything was OK, as if I had achieved something – and maybe I had since they were thriving. 🙂

  13. Pingback: Childs Personalized Photo Jigsaw Puzzle | The Personalized Puzzle People

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