When I say “work”, I’m referring to my other job, also known as “blogging”. My full-time job called “Mom” has no vacation time, sick leave or overtime pay. And I’m okay with that. I like my job a lot.
However, this particular week, Ed was away on business and I was tired and I wanted to see if I could just take a week off.
I mean, of course I could take a week off but what would it look like?
Would I have heart palpitations every time I passed my turned off computer (a little), would I miss some exciting opportunities (maybe) but would we have the chance to experience things that we otherwise wouldn’t? Absolutely!
So, we spent the week planting garlic at Sandi’s (although not in a straight line), ate french fries for breakfast, had daily trips to House of Lazarus, Playgroup, Music Class, a visit to the new Salvation Army, the Library, raking leaves at Uncle Erics and I cooked three meals a day (there’s a first time for everything). I entered a bunch of giveaways (can’t win if you don’t enter), read three books (more than I’ve read in 5 years!) and, I went to bed by 8pm every single night. Every.single.night.
It might not sound like much but for me it was so much more. It was about living in the moment. Not worrying about taking pictures, what my next tweet would be or if I met my word count. It was all about being happy and doing good.
I’m back. Refreshed, focused and ready to focus on what’s really important in life. In doing so, I’ve added this to my list of great motto’s to live by…
It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be.
Sounds like a fabulous week!! I especially like the part about being in bed by 8 pm and French fries for breakfast. Life gets busy, and I am constantly reminding myself “not to sweat the small stuff”. Not always easy, but I do try. Have a fabulous week 🙂
Dear Elizabeth,
“Everything in moderation” is another one of the mottos I try and follow. That includes “sweating the small stuff” because no one is perfect.
In doing this exercise, I realized the benefits that blogging offers. I missed you guys.
Besos, Sarah
Sarah recently posted…Alphabites A-Z Puzzle + Food Playset Cooks up Creativity #Giveaway, US/CAN, 11/28
Sounds refreshing! I think I need to do that one day!
Amanda @MultiTestingMOm recently posted…Tips for Planning a 5 Star Construction Themed Party
Dear Amanda,
It was so refreshing and I highly recommend it. If you having anything pressing the day you take off, just let me know and I can help support.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Creative Activities for Kids Delivered to Your Door @bayobundles (Canadian Feature)
You are SO kind, Sarah! Thank you so much hon. I might wait to do this in January and I don’t think I would take a week, but a day or two will be much needed by then!
You are the bestest, has anyone ever told you that?
Amanda @MultiTestingMOm recently posted…Organic, Natural and Eco-friendly Baby Gift Sets {Giveaway}
Dear Amanda,
Taking the time off made me appreciate blogging more. I really saw how it benefited my life.
As for being the bestest, well, let me say that I am fortunate to have great friends and they are very generous with telling me how much I mean to them. Present company included.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…What do Dimes, Turkey, Ronald McDonald and Catapults Have in Common?
Awwww….. 🙂
Amanda @MultiTestingMOm recently posted…Organic, Natural and Eco-friendly Baby Gift Sets {Giveaway}
sometimes it just feels so wonderful to just put down and step away from technology and not have any care but to just relax and take it easy…and most important eat fries for breakfast 🙂
my favorite motto’s are “everything happens for a reason” and “good things come to those who wait”
Dear Kristen,
I’m working on “good things come to those who wait”. Apparently “Patience is a Virtue”.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Doing the Right Thing Even When It’s Not Right
Everything happens for a reason….And I truly believe it
Everyone needs a break sometimes. Glad to hear you still love what you do, in both your roles.
Good for you Sarah, a change is as good as a rest so they say and it sounds like you did both. Bed by 8pm, that’s incredible. Welcome back, we’ve all missed your witty comments. 🙂
Dear Elizabeth,
And I’ve missed you.
Besos Sarah
Sarah recently posted…Alphabites A-Z Puzzle + Food Playset Cooks up Creativity #Giveaway, US/CAN, 11/28
Rest is fabulous, especially when it is spent with those most important to you – your family.
AlwaysARedhead recently posted…And like that she was moving on
Dear Aunt AlwaysaRedhead,
My computer crashed the other day and I lost all the windows I had open. In seeing your comment, I remember that I had your latest blog post open and it was usual antics. Thanks for the reminder and always sharing in our daily lives.
Any requests from Mexico this year? We leave in 4 weeks…
Besos Sarah
Sarah recently posted…Chicken and Bacon Mexican Tortilla Pizza #Recipe #Dinnerin15
You are the bestest.
You are the best mom ever (french fries for breakfast… genius).
Glad you’re back wouldn’t be right if I didn’t read your musings.
Margarita Ibbott recently posted…LinkedMoms Chat with Conceivable Dreams Twitter Party Wed. November 12 at 8 pm ET–Join the Conversation
Dear Margarita,
Thanks for being you.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Are You at Risk of Diabetes? Take the Test and Enter to WIN #DiabetesAwarenessMonth #Contest
i totally missed you but I do understand the value that is unplugging and I haven’t been in the game nearly as long. Can’t wait for the next adventures ahead!
Jessica recently posted…Texas Hash: A Family Favourite for the Fall
Great quote! Love it.
And good for you for unplugging. I do not know if I could go that long without tech. LOL
Isn’t the moment wonderful? I’ve been in it more & more these days. When I’m not on the lookout for cowboys that is 😉
Don’t wait for the storm to pass; learn to dance in the rain.
Sarah Robinson recently posted…A royal good time
Dear Sarah,
I like that one. Whenever it rains I have to remind myself that it’s only water and I’ll dry. Off to read about cowboys.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Connect, Stream and Charge Devices w/ the @KingstonTech MobileLite Wireless G2
Glad you enjoyed your week off! It’s great to unplug once in a while!