We’ve known it for a long time and really, it comes as no surprise given who his parents are.
It first became very evident in the Summer of 2013. So much so that I wrote a post about how Max marches to the beat of a different drummer and titled it “Max and the Gingerbread Man**”. For whatever reason, I never posted it.
And then today happened.
For the past week, The Kids have had to do homework every day. Actually, Ed and I have had to do homework every day but I’m saving that for another post.
The theme revolved around making a violin.
Day one, we had to walk downtown and get two shoeboxes from the kids shoe store***.
Day two, they cut out the silhouette of a violin and painted the cardboard.
Day three, we improved the structural integrity of the instrument and installed the strings.
Day four, we made a bow.
Day five was today.
As usual, I dropped The Kids off at school around 8:50am. Except today, Ed and I entered the school with them. You see, all the kids, aged 3-6 years old were putting on a musical presentation for the Parents.
At least 250 parents and kids gathered to laugh, clap, dance and listen to music. And music there was. Violins and drummers and maracas and flutes. And, amongst all the (somewhat) organized chaos…
There was one boy playing a violin, like it was a guitar.
To his credit, Max always said that he was making a guitar and not a violin. He was very adamant about that fact. So much so that he said he wouldn’t perform if he couldn’t play his guitar.
So he did. And he was mighty proud of his performance. As he should have been.
And so were we.
Know of a Child that Marches to the
Beat of a Different Drummer?
** As for the original post from 2013. It all happened while we were at Claus Mueller’s Annual Pig Roast. Ed asked Max if he wanted a bite of his gingerbread man to which he replied “Yes”. Ed asked him if he wanted the leg or the arm. Max looked at the cookie, looked back at Ed, tilted his head and was silent for a few seconds. You could tell that he was thinking. Then he replied, “I’d like the head please”. And the head he got.
*** For whatever reason, you don’t have to pay for shoeboxes in our city. About the only thing you don’t have to pay for. Trust me, this is asterisk worthy.
Note that I use the term “playing a musical instrument” loosely as none of them made any noise.
I love that he is expressing himself in his own way AND that you are letting him! That is what I loved most about homeschooling. That my kids could be themselves and no one (teachers) could tell them to be a certain way (conform to the norm). Now they are such amazing individuals who have been allowed to develop their talents rather than have them stifled by ridiculous busywork. <3
Christy Maurer recently posted…Joshua and the Lightning Road EBook Giveaway WW Ends 2/19
Dear Christy,
Your kids are such lovely people and their intelligence and forward thinking are a testament to the success of homeschooling. I wish both of them great success in the next chapter of their lives; college.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…What I Learned From A Classroom of 5-Year Olds #Mexico
Great concert! I have my Emma who also goes to a different beat (as do I naturally as an Aquarius) and to find a balance is a struggle. I try to remember that I don’t want her to follow in others footsteps as to make her own path and it helps with the ridiculousness sometimes.
Aneta Alaei recently posted…What’s All The Buzz About?
Dear Aneta,
It’s hard finding a happy medium. Last year, we supported Max in his desire to not go to school. It was hard and we met with a lot of criticism. We talked to him and his reasoning was logical (for a 4 year old) so he stayed home. This year, he’s chosen differently. Who ever said parenting was easy…
Besos Sarah
Sarah recently posted…Happy 14 ¾ Birthday! Say What?
Mr. K marches to his own beat as well.
ashley p recently posted…Tips For Flying With Small Children
Individuals FTW!
Peady @ Tempered with Kindness recently posted…Did you watch the SAMMYs?
Dear Peady,
What does “FTW” stand for?
P.S. I’ve never heard of the “SAMMYs” so clearly I didn’t watch them.
P.P.S. I don’t have a tv. In case it matters.
Besos Sarah
Sarah recently posted…Who Needs Electricity Anyways? #Mexico #Travel
FTW = For the WIN! 😀
SAMMYs = GRAMMYs because Sam Smith won 4! 😀
TV = Happiness when it’s so cold out your face hurts and you just want to hibernate with your people and music*. 🙂
* and stormchips – have mercy!
Peady @ Tempered with Kindness recently posted…No One Needs To Know Right Now
Dear Peady,
What are stormchips?
Besos Sarah
Sarah recently posted…What You Need to Know about HELLP Syndrome #preeclampsia (Canadian Feature)
I have no clue what they were singing but it was cute to watch. I wish they were upfront and center though. 🙂
Freda Mans recently posted…The Friday 56
Dear Freda,
I don’t know what they were singing either and I too wish that the shot was better. Clearly the school doesn’t know that their Mother is a Blogger who documents everything. Next time…
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…What You Need to Know about HELLP Syndrome #preeclampsia (Canadian Feature)
Well the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree does it? I love Max! And the tree 😉
Mommy Outside recently posted…Mirror Mirror…
Dear Shayna,
I know, Max is so much like his Father.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Dealing with the Loss of a Pet is Difficult for Everyone
I secretly gave this comment a little *happy jumpy clap* Whoopsiedoodle! Secret’s out!
Peady @ Tempered with Kindness recently posted…No One Needs To Know Right Now
Dear Peady,
I was kidding 😉
Besos Sarah
Sarah recently posted…Enter the Search for Dora the Explorer’s Super Fans and WIN! #DoraLiveCanada #ContestAlert
Marching to the beat of your own drum is what makes this World such a diverse place! Be yourself, it’s original. Who wants to be the same as everyone else anyways? Boring!
Our little guy does his own thing too and I gladly support him in his individuality. Glad to see that you allowed Max to do things his way as well. Loved the performance BTW 🙂
Jason recently posted…Quebec-Friendly Contest Corner
Dear Jason,
I totally agree. The world would be boring if we were all the same. Your son and Max can hang out together doing whatever it is that they will do. Thanks for sharing your story.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…What I Learned From A Classroom of 5-Year Olds #Mexico
I expect nothing less of your children. They simply have to be their own little people and march to the beat of a different drummer and that is a super cute performance and I also love that as a craft. I love the hint about you and Max’s dad doing the homework. HA!!!
paula schuck recently posted…Flash Weekend #Giveaway
Love it !! I have a few living here who march to their own drummer. Actually, I think we ALL do.
Greetings from the Cold, Cold North. Please give Max and Artemis a huge hug from Tia xoxo
Peace and Love my friend. Continue spreading your good vibes to the world. WE can Change the energy of the world. 🙂
Dear Clare,
I don’t “think”, I KNOW that you all march to the beat of your own drummer. I like that about you.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Happy 14 ¾ Birthday! Say What?
Dear Paula,
I’ve never helped out with so much homework in my life. And, they’re only in Senior Kindergarten. At this rate, I’m going to need to go back to school to help them out. Thanks for all your support. I always know that I can count on you for a thumbs up.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Disney on Ice: Worlds of Fantasy is Entertaining for the Whole Family #DisneyonIce
Awe,this is so sweet
I have a little boy who also very unique and quite the rebel… We never placed any expectations on him; just let him be and express himself in his own natural way. When he was three and four we started to notice that he loved to learn; he would gain interest in a singular topic and start devouring everything he could about it until he was almost an expert. This caused some issues with pre-school and kindergarten because he was often bored and acting out. We had to find him a different school and a different methodology of teaching to accommodate his unique talents and needs. Marching to beat of your drum as you stated, or the diversity of thought is what helps civilization and the human race evolve, change and grow…
Dear Aliya,
Your son is so lucky to have your support. Max decided to go to school (in Mexico) this year but he’s not really interested in doing what everyone else is doing. He will have a different kind of education like yours. Can I ask what province and/or city you live in. Thank you for stopping by and sharing a chapter of your story.
Besos Sarah.
Sarah recently posted…Do You Support Companies That Give Back To Animals in Need? @Petcurean
Hi Sarah,
Wow, Mexico. That is certainly different and he will have a very unique perspective on the world… I spent my childhood overseas and it definitely shaped who I am now and how I raise my little men. 🙂 I live in Calgary.
Dear Aliya,
Too bad. I say that because we’re in Ottawa and I would have liked to have piggy backed on the educational system that your son had.
Besos Sarah
Sarah recently posted…WIN a Mike the Knight Prize Pack! CAN, 3/23 #canwin #giveaway
My 5 year old son also marches to the beat of a different drummer. I find him quirky and funny. The things that he says sometimes makes me stop and think. Where the heck does he come up with these things??? LOL!