Category Archives: Animals

The Phoenix Has Risen

The Phoenix Has Risen… Again

Photo Source* Turns out that my Death should have a Manual post got people a bit confused. Probably not the first time. In a way, it’s a good thing because it means that you’re not in my head, but in… «more»

Artemis with a 158 dollar sticker on her forehead

Ever Wonder What a $158 Sticker Looks Like?

Wonder No More. This is what a $158 Sticker looks like when applied to the centre of your forehead. Technically, this sticker only cost $79 because we got two. Artemis wants to put the other one on her hair tomorrow.… «more»

bubba the goldfish bowl

Remember Bubba the Goldfish. Yes, well…

Remember Bubba the Goldfish? He was that goldfish that our neighbour gave The Kids on Friday. You know, the sixth day of the week and only 13 days before a cross-three-country roadtrop spanning 5,000km. For the past 18 hours, Bubba… «more»

Bubba the Goldfish

Dear Neighbour, Thanks for the Goldfish. Not.

Most days, around 1:30pm, my Neighbour knocks on our door. She’s come to collect one of The Kids. But not both. Which is fine because we don’t work like that. Life isn’t always fair. Last week, she took Max for… «more»

Aries the Cat Portrait

On the Eve of Your Death…

I thought you would live forever. I really did. But, that’s not the way life works. Seeing as endings are so sad, I thought that I would start at the beginning and go from there. It was June 1996, we… «more»