Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Baby Banz Headphones Provide Proper Ear Protection for Your Kids

Being born premature meant that The Kids were at higher risk for hearing loss. While it appears that they do not have any long-term effects from birth, influences such as music and the environment can still cause damage.Living in the country means that we are using powerful machines everyday so we take precautions such as wearing proper foot wear, gloves and ear protection.

Well, we thought we did.

ear protectors-artemis

When I really looked at this picture of Artemis riding the lawnmower tractor this Summer (Note that the blades were not running), I realized that The Kids ears were not adequately protected.

So I did what every concerned Mother would do and took to the internet in search of a solution. And that’s when I found Baby Banz and Snuggle Bugz.

Snuggle Bugz is a Canadian family owned and operated business that was started in 2006. It’s vision is to provide a quality baby store where new parents could feel comfortable asking questions and discovering new products during this special time in their lives. We place value on our customer service and innovative business practices and like to think that we provide the best selection of the highest quality brands for pregnancy, newborn and toddler.

Designed to minimize the force of harmful noises without shutting out other ambient sounds. Banz earmuffs have a low profile and no protruding parts which make them easy to wear and less at risk of catching on things. The wide, foam-filled cushions ensure that the set doesn’t squeeze uncomfortably, and there is plenty of space for the ears inside the shells.

This particular earmuff is recommended for kids 6 months and older. However, at almost four years of age, sizing was not a problem. In fact, The Kids still have lots of room to grow in them. They were able to adjust them all by themselves and they told me that they fit comfortably. From the look of things, it did not appear to fit too tight and they could still hear me talking to them if I raised my voice and was close.

Baby Banz Ear Protection for Kids Collage

Made from thick plastic and metal, you can tell that they are robust even though they only weigh 190 grams! The compact design allows for easy portability and storage. With seven colour choices such as; pink, black and silver, there is something for even the most discerning 6 month old fashionista.

With everything from Strollers to Cleaners, Car seats to Toys, Snuggle Bugz is an excellent resource for Mothers with kids of all ages. If you don’t see what you want, contact them and don’t forget that shipping is free in Canada on all orders over $40.

Snuggle Bugz Logo

 Protect Your Kids Ears with Baby Banz from Snuggle Bugz.

Connect with Snuggle Bugz Website | Facebook | Twitter

Disclosure: Journeys of The Zoo review a copy of this product(s) that enabled us to complete this review.

13 thoughts on “Baby Banz Headphones Provide Proper Ear Protection for Your Kids

  1. Laurie P

    I’ve never heard of Baby Banz before. Good to know there is a company out there for proper ear protection for kids, if we should be needing it. They’d be useful for the airshows for sure!

  2. Kristy. V

    I found this interesting as we own a pair of Baby Banz sunglasses…so they may be into eye protection too. Thanks!

  3. HEIDI C.

    I didn’t know Baby Banz had ear protection as well as eye protection. Great idea for saving our little ones’ hearing!

  4. Paula Huie

    Ok these are unique! If you have the kids around loud environments its so important to protect their little ears! I had no clue this product was even available! Thanks!

  5. Elizabeth Matthiesen

    I had never heard of these before. Weird really, we protect their ears whilst they are young and as teenagers they go to (loud) discos – go figure!

  6. Wanda Tracey

    I think it’s awesome that Baby Banz has eye and ear protection for little ones.It’s a comforting thought just knowing that they are there for us when we need their products.


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