Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 6 is the “Dia de Reyes” in Mexico (Video)

We go to a lot of parties in Mexico.

Since arriving on December 18, we’ve had one almost every day. Sometimes two.

Today was no different.

Dia De Reyes Cake MexicoJanuary 6 is the “Dia de Reyes”.

After Ed and I went to register The Kids for school (didn’t happen), we headed to the Zocalo (centre of the city) for our daily coffee and a parade celebrating the arrival of the three Magi or Wise Men.

Hundreds of people come out and The Wise Men throw candies and presents to the people. If you want any, you have to get pushed or push people yourself for a chance at a lollipop.


Max and Artemis watching the wise Men Parade Mexico

Fortunately, the Wise Men’s helpers (on the ground) saw that The Kids didn’t have any candies (not that they cared) and brought them handfuls of treats.

Afterwards, when The Kings had come down off their horse, elephant and camel, The Kids got a picture taken with them.

Actually, what really happened was, we were swarmed by locals telling us that we wanted a picture with The Kids and The Kings.

There was only one right answer.

Max and Artemis with The Wise Men Mexico

Don’t they look excited.

On our way home, Artemis was holding her one candy tight. Really tight.

You see, she only gets one candy a day. I know, I’m mean.

When she saw a beggar with only one leg sitting on the sidewalk, she carefully walked around  his outstretched hand and plastic cup.

And then paused.

And turned around.

And stared.

We had a discussion as to “Why he only had one leg” and “What he was doing there”. I suggested that perhaps he would like a candy.

Her candy.

The one and only.

Without hesitation, she turned and gave it to him.

He immediately unwrapped the packaging and ate it. I’m not sure who had the bigger smile, him, her or me.

In the evening, we headed to the “Sanchez Lopez*” House for the Rosca de Reyes celebration.

In a nutshell, you cut the cake and see if you get a plastic doll (muñeco).

If you do, you have to bring a (food) contribution to the Día de la Candelaria celebration on February 2.

FYI, Ed, Andrew and I all got dolls (there were 10 to be had). Andrew won’t be here for party #2,893, so we’ll bring something for him. I hope I don’t see another piece of cake until then…

I’ve taken a bunch of videos and hope to regularly post them so that you have a true sense of what life is like around here.

Happy Dia de Reyes!

* Note that their name has been changed. Seriously.

5 thoughts on “January 6 is the “Dia de Reyes” in Mexico (Video)

  1. Rene

    I love everything about this post. What a great story about Artemis and her candy, love the faces in the kings photo, and I think it’s great to see you standing in solidarity with us back home, wearing toques in Mexico! (what is it, like 12 degrees? brrrr..) Yay!! The Zoo is BACK, sista!


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